Architectural Photography

Magazine-Quality Imagery

Photos are the deciding factor when a buyer chooses which homes to see in person.

Get your buyer in the door with high quality, stunning photos that showcase your home better than it looks in person.

With a process I’ve perfected while shooting over 900 homes, I will bring every ounce of my talent to your listing and deliver photos that could grace the covers of Architectural Digest or SRQ Magazine.


This product is my bread & butter.

I pride myself on treating your listing like it’s my own home. I always ask: How can we showcase this listing the best? What can we do to improve it?

  • Fill out the contact form to get in touch, and tell me about your project.

  • My first question is, what is the look you are going for. Do you want a natural, editorial, or flat look. Architects and real estate agents typically will go a flat look to show off the space and it’s entirety, while a more natural or editorial look would benefit an interior designer.

  • When your order is confirmed, you will be sent a friendly “to do” list with suggestions on how to prepare the space for photography.

    When I arrive, I’ll ask that you walk me through the listing and tell me aspects of the home you would like to showcase and highlight. Show me things you would like to avoid. I may turn on lights or turn off lights to determine what looks best. This is where I tinker and decide what should and should not be in frame.

    Next, I’ll sequester the homeowner and agents to a part of the house where we’re not currently shooting. Then I shoot.

  • Delivery will be 24 to 48 hours later via email. Scheduling, billing, and delivery is all in one place for added convenience.

Meet Kevin.

Kevin Quick is an architectural photographer from Chicago, Illinois. He has called Sarasota home for 8 years, and, like any midwestern transplant, considers himself to be a born local.

Kevin’s eye for detail and manipulation of light has given him the ability to create images in a variety of styles for many clients. His dedication to his client’s vision is his driving force.

For as long as he can remember, Kevin has been a photographer. His love of imagery took him to DePaul University, where he graduated with honors in the field of Digital Media. After a brief stint producing films for networks like Hulu and Netflix, Kevin decided to throw himself all in to photographing the created space.

Apply to work with us

Give us a call today and we can make sure it’s a good fit. We strive to meet all of our clients’ expectations.